Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage?

Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage? Do's & Don'ts for a Healthy Bunny Diet

Can rabbits eat cabbage? Absolutely, with careful consideration for portion size and frequency.

On top of giving your rabbit unlimited access to top-quality rabbit hay such as Timothy Hay or Meadow Hay, learn about introducing cabbage into your rabbit’s diet, including the potential benefits and risks, in this helpful guide from us here at HayDay.

Take a look at our full collection of premium, barn dried hay for rabbits.


Feeding Cabbage to Rabbits - Overview

  • Cabbage can be included in a rabbit’s diet due to its nutritional benefits, containing essential vitamins and dietary fibre, but it should be fed in moderation to prevent digestive issues.

  • Not all cabbages are equal; green, red, savoy and napa cabbages are safe for rabbits, yet they must be introduced slowly to their current day (recommended over a 7 to 14 day period)

  • Overfeeding cabbage to rabbits can cause serious health issues like gas, bloating, diarrhoea. Hence, portion control and diet diversification are essential.


Cabbage and Rabbits: A Nutritional Overview

As rabbit owners, we always want what’s best for our pets, and that certainly includes their diet. Cabbage, a nutrient-dense vegetable, can indeed be a part of a rabbit’s diet.

Packed with essential vitamins like A, C, and K, it can provide valuable nutrients to our furry friends. But before you rush to the nearest store to buy a head of cabbage, always remember that moderation is key.

Too much cabbage can lead to digestive issues, so it’s important to balance it with other foods (such as timothy hay) in your rabbit’s diet.

Health Benefits for Rabbits

Beyond its impressive nutritional composition, cabbage has a few other tricks up its sleeve.

For one, it contributes to a rabbit’s hydration - which is crucial for avoiding gastrointestinal issues. Cabbage is beneficial for rabbits as its fibre helps maintain healthy digestion and gut health. This can help prevent GI stasis and obesity in rabbits.

Offering a variety of vegetables, ensures rabbits eat a wide range of nutrients and it will keep them enriched, encouraging healthy eating habits as part of a balanced rabbit’s diet.

Moderation is Key

Even the best foods can wreak havoc if consumed in excess, and cabbage is no exception. It is crucial to include cabbage in a rabbit’s diet in moderation.

While it may be a nutrient-dense vegetable, it is not meant to replace other crucial components of a rabbit’s diet.

A well-rounded diet includes a variety of vegetables to optimise nutrient intake and reduce the risk of digestive problems. Some vegetables that are safe for rabbits to eat include:

  • Bell peppers

  • Broccoli

  • Carrots

  • Cucumber

  • Kale

  • Pak Choi

  • Spinach

Let's take a look at some cabbage variations now.


Safe Cabbage Varieties for Rabbits

So we’ve established that rabbits can eat cabbage, but it’s not just any cabbage. Certain types of cabbage that are safe for rabbits include:

  • Green cabbage

  • Red cabbage

  • Savoy cabbage

  • Napa cabbage

Each variety has its nutritional composition and, of course, its taste, which may or may not appeal to your bunny. As always, the key is to introduce these varieties slowly and monitor your bunny’s reaction.

Taste and Usage Differences

Just like us humans, rabbits, too, have taste preferences. For instance, some bunnies may prefer the dark green leaves of Savoy cabbage, while others may ignore the paler leaves.

It’s all about trial and error until you figure out which variety your pet rabbit enjoys the most.


Risks and Potential Issues with Feeding Cabbage

While cabbage has its benefits, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

As many humans can attest, feeding rabbits an excessive amount of cabbage can lead to digestive discomfort.

Ensure that rabbits eat cabbage in moderation, as overconsumption may cause:

  • Gas

  • Bloating

  • Diarrhoea

  • Other forms of digestive discomfort

Therefore, care should be exercised when introducing cabbage to a rabbit’s diet due to their complex digestive systems.

Pesticides and Contaminants

Before feeding cabbage to a rabbit, it should be thoroughly washed to remove pesticides or contaminants. These harmful substances can pose significant health risks to rabbits if ingested. So, even though you’re eager to introduce cabbage into your rabbit’s diet, remember to give it a good rinse first.


Feeding Guidelines: How Much Cabbage Should You Feed Your Rabbit?

Now that you’re aware of the benefits, risks, and safety precautions, let’s discuss the guidelines on how much cabbage to feed your rabbit.

Compared to the consistent supply of high-quality hay your rabbit should have access to, proper portion sizes are crucial because rabbits have sensitive digestive systems, and excessive cabbage can cause digestive upset.

The initial recommended portion size of cabbage for rabbits is 1-2 tablespoons per 2 pounds of body weight. 

Starting Slowly

When introducing cabbage to your rabbit, it’s best to take it slow. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Start with small portions of cabbage.

  2. Monitor your rabbit’s response closely for any signs of intolerance or digestive discomfort.

  3. If there are no negative reactions, gradually increase the amount of cabbage over time.

  4. Adjust or stop the amount of cabbage provided as necessary to ensure your rabbit’s digestive system is not upset.

By following these steps, you can safely introduce cabbage slowly to your rabbit’s diet over a period of 7 to 14 days - as recommended by our in-house nutritionist Briony.

And don’t forget, rabbits should always have continuous access to fresh water.

Tips for Serving Cabbage to Your Rabbit

So you’re ready to introduce cabbage into your rabbit’s diet? Here are some practical tips to ensure your rabbit enjoys its new treat.

To prepare cabbage for your rabbit:

  1. Wash and chop the cabbage into manageable pieces.

  2. Combine the cabbage with other rabbit-safe greens to add variety to their diet.

  3. Try scatter feeding cabbage! You could try mixing it within their hay to make feeding time fun - let them work for it!


Alternative Foods for a Balanced Rabbit Diet

While cabbage can be a healthy addition to a rabbit’s diet on top our Tasty Timothy Hay, Moreish Meadow Hay or Ryegrass Hay - it’s important not to forget about the other foods that can provide optimal nutrition and variety.

Rabbits can benefit from a variety of vegetables and greens, including:

  • Asparagus

  • Collard greens

  • Carrot tops

  • Romaine Lettuce

  • Rocket

Vitamin-Rich Vegetables

There are also other vitamin-rich vegetables that can be included in a rabbit’s diet. These include Chicory, Endive, Lambs lettuce, and Pak Choi.

Just like cabbage, and brussels sprouts, these vegetables provide a host of essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to a balanced and nutritious diet.

Herbs and Edible Flowers

Forage blends with herbs and edible flowers can also provide additional nutrients and variety to a rabbit’s diet. Ingredients commonly found in forage blends include a range of herbs and edible flowers such as:

  • Chamomile

  • Cornflowers

  • Dandelion

  • Hibiscus

  • Lavender

  • Marigolds

  • Nettle

  • Raspberry leaves

  • Roses

  • Spearmint

These contribute to a rabbit’s health by aiding in the rabbit’s digestive system and adding nutritional variety to their daily intake. Plus, they provide mental stimulation and enrichment, encouraging their innate behaviors such as foraging and exploring.



In conclusion, while rabbits can eat cabbage, it’s not as simple as tossing a few leaves into their enclosure.

The key is moderation, variety, and careful introduction. Remember to wash and chop the cabbage, mix it with other greens, and monitor your rabbit’s reaction.

Also, consider adding other small amounts nutritious foods like high-calcium leafy greens, vitamin-rich vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers to provide a balanced and varied diet for your rabbit.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can rabbits eat any type of cabbage?

Yes, rabbits can eat a variety of cabbage types including green, red and savoy.

What are the potential risks of feeding cabbage to rabbits?

Feeding rabbits excessive cabbage can lead to digestive discomforts like gas, bloating, and diarrhoea. Be cautious about the amount of cabbage you offer your rabbits.

How should I introduce cabbage into my rabbit's diet?

Introduce cabbage to your rabbit's diet gradually, starting with small portions and increasing the amount over a time period of 7 to 14 days. Remember, it's important to monitor your rabbit's reaction to the new food.


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